Stress Counselling

Stress Counselling

Pathways Counselling provides a range of services focusing on stress counselling, that seeks to help individuals cope with the pressures of everyday life. Our therapists work to provide practical strategies to assist clients in tackling a wide range of issues related to stress, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, poor concentration, and relationship difficulties.

Our stress counselling sessions provide our clients the opportunity to talk openly about their thoughts and feelings in a confidential and supportive environment. We encourage clients to express themselves without fear or judgement and ensure that their views are respected. We provide our clients with practical tools and techniques to start making healthier decisions and achieve better well-being and balance in their lives. At Pathways Counselling, we understand that everyone has different needs, so we strive to provide customised solutions that address each individual’s unique concerns. It is our mission to empower clients to take control of their lives and make positive changes.

Symptoms of Stress

Different people, in different stressful situations, may react differently. Here are some common signs that stress may be an issue:

  • Avoidance of the original problem
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Lack of confidence and self-esteem
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle tenseness
  • Difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep
  • Headaches

Techniques for Reducing Stress

Some common techniques for the short-term resolution of stress can include:

  • Slow down: Often we think that the faster we run around the more we can get done. However, trying to cram everything we wish to do in small periods of time can lead to burnout. It is important to recognize that when we actually slow ourselves down. We often get more done and it gets done more consistently. By slowing down, we can avoid burnout, as well as stress.
  • Self Care: Taking care of yourself will often lead to a decrease in stress. Self care is doing something for yourself that you want to do and that rejuvenates your spirit, soul and body. Self care looks different for everyone and it is important to personalize the experience.
  • Relaxation: The more stressed we become, the harder it is to actually bring your body and mind back to a relaxed state. Relaxation becomes an important routine to incorporate into your life as it brings you back to a neutral resting state and resets you for future stress. Without helping your body relax, the stress keeps compounding which is very damaging not only for your emotional state but also for your physical state.
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